Child Find

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The Huntingdon Special School District Child Find program identifies preschool – age 22, any child with special education needs including intellectual disabilities, developmental delays, autism, specific learning disabilities, serious emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, intellectually gifted, traumatic brain injury, blindness, and the following impairments: speech/language, hearing, orthopedic and visual. The purpose of Child Find is to reach children who may have exceptionality in the areas of vision, hearing, cognitive skills, behavioral issues and emotional issues.

Educational needs are determined through parent interviews and child evaluations. Areas evaluated may include, but are not limited to: vision, hearing, speech and language, motor, cognitive and adaptive development. Screenings and/or evaluations may be provided free of charge by the school district. If deemed necessary, the child may then be referred for special education services.


Following the evaluation, if a child is identified as meeting the Tennessee State Eligibility Standards and their needs cannot be met in the regular classroom, an Individual Education Program (IEP) will be developed for the child and an appropriate program offered to meet the child’s individualized educational needs.


Each state is required by Federal and State law to find all children with disabilities ages birth to 22 and provide services in the public schools for ages 3 – 22 for any child identified as disabled under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA). The child find in the public schools includes children enrolled in the Huntingdon Special School District in grades preschool through 12, children who are homeschooled and live in the Huntingdon Special School District, those who attend a private school in the Huntingdon Special School District or are homeless. The referral process for students currently enrolled in the Huntingdon Special School District include: Response to Intervention, Gifted Screenings, parent and/or teacher referrals, vision, hearing and speech screenings conducted by the school, Health Department or Doctor referrals and other agency referrals.